Court Office Services Program
General Information
Court Office Services Program is a 2-year associate degree program within the Tuzluca Vocational School, affiliated with the Office Services and Secretarial Department. The language of instruction is Turkish.
It is one of the most preferred programs that can contribute to meeting the qualified manpower needs of the public and private sectors in the law and justice services sector, prepares students for the profession in the best way possible with basic legal knowledge in the light of scientific methods, as well as application preparation tools such as computer and keyboard laboratories, and offers effective and efficient education and training opportunities.
The aim of our program is to train qualified assistant court personnel with sufficient basic legal knowledge to carry out the administrative work of institutions and organizations in the judicial services and the private sector.
The main objectives of our program are to provide services to public and private sector institutions and organizations, especially the courthouses and other sub-units of the Ministry of Justice;
• Equipped with all kinds of professional knowledge and basic legal knowledge,
• Has gained the ability to evaluate the legal problems he/she will encounter from a healthy perspective,
• Having the knowledge and skills to ensure that justice services are carried out quickly, efficiently and effectively,
• Following national and international developments in justice services,
• Specialized in his field,
• Interested in technological developments,
• Improved observation skills,
• To train professional administrative personnel who are open to innovation and closely follow technology and publications related to their profession.
The Court Office Services Program accepts students based on the TYT score type.
Academic Staff
Course Catalog
Course Catalog
Bölümün / Programın Amacı / Hedefleri: Öğrencilere alanlarında gerekli bilgi ve becerileri kazandırarak, onları mesleki hayata hazırlamak.
Bölümün / Programın Mevcut Durumu ve Geleceği: Mevcut öğrenci ve öğretim kadrosu ile yürütülen projeler; gelecekteki hedefler ve gelişim planları.
Alanın Altında Yer Alan Meslekler: Alanla ilgili icra edilebilecek meslekler ve gelecekte önem kazanacak kariyer yolları.
İş Bulma İmkanları: Mezunların kamu ve özel sektörde sahip olabilecekleri iş fırsatları ve sektörle olan bağlantılar.
Double Major / Minor Programs
Double Major Program: Allows students to earn a bachelor's degree in a field they are interested in, in addition to their primary field. In this program, students can complete courses in two different fields and earn a diploma in both fields.
Minor Program: Allows students to take a certain number of courses in a field they are interested in, outside of their major. Students who complete the minor program are given an official certificate in that field; however, this does not mean a second undergraduate degree.
- To access Double Major and Minor programs click here.
Exchange Programs
It offers students the opportunity to study at another university, either domestically or abroad, for a certain period of time. Thanks to these programs, students have the opportunity to learn about different cultures, develop their foreign language skills and gain international academic experience. The most common exchange programs include programs such as Erasmus+, Mevlana and Farabi.
- For Erasmus Program click here.
- For the Mevlana Program click here.
- For the Farabi Program click here.
Graduates’ areas of work: Our graduates are appointed to the positions of Enforcement Director, Deputy Enforcement Director, Clerk of the Registry, Assistant Clerk of the Registry, and Court Clerk within the judicial organization. They can be appointed to positions ranging from enforcement officer to director in enforcement institutions; they can work in various levels in trade registry directorates. They are employed in the legal consultancy departments of various public institutions and organizations and private sector organizations, and in companies that provide software support to law firms on legal programs. They can also work in notary publics, law offices, banks, and companies’ enforcement follow-up offices.
Undergraduate Programs with Vertical Transfer: Public Relations and Promotion, Business Administration, Public Administration, Political Science and Public Administration
Program Introduction Presentation
A program presentation is being prepared...
- Adress: Şehit Bülent Yurtseven Kampüsü, Tuzluca Meslek Yüksekokulu Müdürlüğü
Phone: +90 476 223 00 10 - 3405- Faks: +90 476 223 00 17
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